
WEEK 12 - Case Study of Group Project Proposal

WEEK 11 - From Disciplinary Strength to Transdisciplinary Approach for Sustainable Development

WEEK 10 - Measurement, Indices and Indicators for Sustainable Development and SDG

WEEK 9 - Fieldwork Works- On Campus Observation

WEEK 8 - Role of Institutions in Achieving SDG

WEEK 7 - Challenges to Sustainable Development

WEEK 6 - Roles and Responsibilities of Universities for Sustainable Development

WEEK 5 - Sejahtera as Local Concept to Sustainable Development

WEEK 4 - Framework of Sustainable Development

WEEK 3 - Maqasid Shariah and Sustainable Development

WEEK 2 - Islam & Sustainable Development

WEEK 1 - Introduction of Sustainable Development

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